Trinity 2 – June 30, 2019

Canon Claude Schroeder (Luke 9-51-62)

In our Gospel today Luke tells us, “When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” This marks the beginning of what the bible scholars call the “Travel Narrative” in St. Luke’s Gospel, in which, over the course of ten chapters Luke tells us what happened as Jesus left Galilee with his disciples, and walked down the pilgrimage route to Jerusalem. Starting today and continuing to the end of November, we are going to be taking in some of the highlights of Luke’s Travel Narrative, which is for us an extended teaching on the Christian life, what does it mean for us to follow Jesus on His journey to Jerusalem?

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Sunday after Ascension – June 2, 2019

St. Mary’s Anglican Church – Revd. Canon Claude Schroeder

Well, for the last six weeks since Easter Sunday we have been proclaiming and celebrating in church the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead. And we are not quite finished yet! Alleluia, Christ is Risen!….

And then last Thursday, the 40th day after Easter, we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus into heaven.

For those who missed the service, happily for us at St. Mary’s, there is no avoiding the Ascension of Jesus Christ. It is something that literally stares us in the face every Sunday morning, in the window above the altar.

At our open house Saturday before last, I explained to the people on the church tour, that in the Ascension Jesus does not become the world’s first astronaut, blasting off the earth and going up into heaven out there somewhere beyond the stars. The Ascension is Jesus into heaven is His entry into the eternity of God.

Continue reading “Sunday after Ascension – June 2, 2019”

Epiphany 2 – January 14, 2018

St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Epiphany 2, Jan 14, 2018
Canon Claude Schroeder
John 1:43-51; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

(Sermon transcript)

Today is the Second Sunday in the season of Epiphany. Epiphany, which comes from a Greek word meaning to reveal or manifest, something which previously had been hidden, comes out into the open.

In the season of Epiphany we are celebrating the fulfillment of the announcement that was made at Christmas that God Himself has come to us in the flesh in the person of Jesus. Continue reading “Epiphany 2 – January 14, 2018”