(Modified 2020-11-21: Corrected the days on the baptism prayer series)
NOVEMBER 22, 2020

10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer with Hymns and Sermon.
- Godly Play in the Children’s Worship Centre (ages 3 – 6 years.) . Today’s story is ‘Joseph’s Early Life’ Genesis 37:17-28. Leaders: Anya, Sandra.
- Faith Quest (ages 7-13) continue the Beatitudes rotation with a Pray per View workshop. Leader: Heidi.
7.00 p.m. Evening Prayer and Rector’s Class.
SERMON AUDIO will be available on the parish website following the service.
CONGRATULATIONS to Karen and Steve on the birth their son, Gunnar Ole James, born on Monday, November 16th. May God grant him many years!
MEAL TRAIN. If you would like to make a meal for Karen and Steve please contact Sandra.
THE RECTOR’S CLASS. Join us this Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. for Evening Prayer and the Rector’s Class. Tonight’s topic: The Order of Service of Holy Baptsm for Adults.
MID -WEEK HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE FOR ADVENT continues this Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
HOLY BAPTISM for Cailen and Derek has been rescheduled to a Vigil Service on Saturday night at St. Mary’s. If you are interested in coming out to this special service, please speak to Claude. Cailen and Derek will be formally welcomed as members of Christ’s Holy Catholic and the Family of God at St. Mary’s next Sunday morning.
Please include Cailen and Derek in your prayers this week, using the prayers below:
God of power, you created us in your image and formed us in holiness and justice. When we sin against you, you do not abandon us, but in your wisdom choose to save us by the incarnation of your Son. We, your humble servants who are plagued by evil and the tyranny of the enemy need you to keep us far from the spirit of wickedness, falsehood, and greed. Uphold Cailen and Derek in the life of your kingdom, and open their hearts to understand your Gospel, so that, as children of the light, they may rejoice to be counted among your people, bearing witness to your truth, and practicing your commands of love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, when you climbed the mountain to preach, you turned your disciples from the paths of sin and revealed to them the blessings of your kingdom. You help all who hear the word of the Gospel, strengthening us to resist the spirit of greed, of lust, and of pride. May Cailen and Derek find the blessings of your kingdom in poverty and in hunger, in mercy and in purity of heart. May they work for peace, joyfully endure persecution, and so come to rejoice and be glad in the reward you have for them in heaven where you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, loving Redeemer of all, your name alone has the power to save, that name before which every knee shall bend in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth. Only you can free us from the snares and malice of Satan; only you can heal our weakness and blot out our sins. We pray for these your servants, Cailen and Derrek who worship you as the true God. Look upon them, and enlighten their hearts. Give them discernment to know what pleases you and courage to live by your Gospel, that they may become the dwelling place of your Spirit; for you O Christ, hold them in your love, now and forever. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, sent by the Father and anointed by the Spirit, when you read in the synagogue at Nazareth you fulfilled the words of the prophet Isaiah, proclaiming liberty to captives and announcing a season of forgiveness. You challenge us to trust in you alone, that our minds may be untroubled and our lives unshackled from worldly desire. Your enlivening Spirit enables us to grasp your promises and liberates us from a spirit of unbelief. We pray for theseyour servants, Cailen and Derek, who have opened their ears and hearts to your word. Deepen their faith in you that they may continually be amazed by the gracious words from your mouth and reveal the coming of your kingdom in this time and place. For you, O Christ, bring liberty and forgiveness to them and to all people, now and for ever. Amen.
God of infinite wisdom, you chose the apostle Paul to proclaim your Son to every nation. In the same way you have chosen each of us and enabled us to trust not in flesh and blood but in your call alone. We pray that these your servants Cailen and Derek may follow in the footsteps of St Paul. Search their hearts and open their eyes to your truth that, freed from all deception, they may never look back but welcome the new world your risen Son is creating. May they count everything as losscompared with the unsurpassed worth of knowing Christ and being found in him who is their eternal reward for ever and ever. Amen.
Creator and Redeemer of all, your love shines in every age, bringing truth and life. We, whom you have called out of darkness into your marvellous light, out of sin into purity of heart, out of alienation into the embrace of a holy people, now call upon you with joyful expectation. Your great love has drawn these hearers to seek and find you. Look upon Cailen and Derek today and bring to fulfillment in them the plan of your grace, that they may know their calling in your royal priesthood, be radiant in the light of salvation, and reveal your love in their lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
God of Light, you cut away corruption and strengthen faith, you build up hope and foster love. You lead us into abundant life. We, who are threatened by unbelief and hesitation in faith, by the love of money and lawless passions, by enmity and quarrelling, and by every manner of evil, call upon you now in humility and trust. Free your servants Cailen and Derek whom you have called, and empower them by your Holy Spirit to be holy and faithful in your sight. Create in them a spirit of reverence, of patience and hope, balance and purity, and of charity and peace. We ask this through Christ our ord. Amen.
Monday to Friday
8.30 a.m. Morning Prayer;
5.30 p.m. Evening Prayer ( except Thursday)
7.00 p.m. Holy Communion