DECEMBER 6, 2020
10.30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Great Litany with Hymns and Sermon. Beth preaching.
AUDIO RECORDING of the full service and sermon will be available on the parish website.
ADVENT OUTREACH: Men’s socks, toques, large felt mitts and/or monetary donations. Items can be brought to St. Mary’s on or before Dec. 20 or dropped off at the home of Sandra and Ken.
HOLY BAPTISM. Please continue to support Cailen and Derek in prayer as they wait upon the Lord during the suspension of services at St. Mary’s.
A BIG THANK YOU to all those who helped put together and deliver the Advent Care Packages last week end: to Emma, Myka, Luci and Eli for making the Christmas cards and putting packages together, and to Clara for helping wrap and deliver the packages; to Kate, Beth, Sandra, Sharon, and Nat for making deliveries; to Yvonne for making the beeswax candles, and Valerie for sending along the “Antiphons for Advent”
BEESWAX CANDLES. For those parish households that did not receive any candles in their “Advent Spiritual Care Packages” that were delivered last week end (we ran out!), and would like to receive a pair of candles, please call Yvonne in the parish office and let her know. Additional pairs of candles may also be purchased at a cost of $5.00 in support of the St. Mary’s Refugee Fund. Please contact the office if interested.
ST. MARY’S CHRISTMAS CARDS. Additional sets of the Christmas cards that were delivered last week end may also be purchased from the office at cost of $5.00 in support of the St. Mary’s Refugee Fund.
ADVENT PARISH “ZOOM MEETINGS.” Join us next Sunday, December 13, at:
6:45 pm – Family Time hosted by Dave and Janice. Join us for a time to visit and play games. All ages are welcome.
8:30 pm – Fireside Chat and Compline hosted by Claude and Hilary. Join us for a chance to visit together and end your day with praying the Compline service. All ages are welcome.
Please email Dave and Janice and we will send you the Zoom link. People are welcome to join both events if they would like.
BLESSSED FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS! Today we join our prayers to those of Blessed Nicholas, Bishop and Confessor of the Faith. Grant, Almighty God, that your church may be so inspired by the example of your servant Nicholas of Myra, that it may never cease to work for the welfare of children, the safety of sailors, the relief of the poor, and the help of those tossed by tempests of doubt or grief; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.