Advent 3 – Bulletin

DECEMBER 13, 2020


10.30 a.m.  Morning Prayer with Hymns and Sermon.  Claude Schroeder preaching.


AUDIO RECORDING of the full service and sermon will be available on the parish website.

Godly Play  for children 3-6 years via Zoom. Today’s story is ‘The Shepherds Show the Way to Bethlehem’ Luke 2:8-20.

ADVENT OUTREACH: Men’s socks, toques, large felt mitts and/or monetary donations. Items can be brought to St. Mary’s on or before Dec. 20 or dropped off at the home of Sandra and Ken.

HOLY BAPTISM. Please continue to support Cailen and Derek in prayer as they wait upon the Lord during the suspension of services at St. Mary’s.  

ADVENT PARISH “ZOOM MEETINGS.” Join us this Sunday, December 13, at:

6:45 pm – Family Time hosted by Dave and Janice. Join us for a time to visit and play games.  All ages are welcome.  

8:30 pm – Fireside Chat and Compline hosted by Claude and Hilary. Join us for a chance to visit together and end your day with praying the Compline service.  All ages are welcome. Order of service is available at

Please email Dave and Janice for the Zoom link. Everyone is welcome to join both events.

HAND-DIPPED BEESWAX CANDLES from St. Mary’s may be purchased for $5.00 a pair  by contacting Yvonne in the parish office. Parishioners can pick up their candles from the newly installed mailbox at the Montague St. entrance, and leave a cheque in the proper amount. Proceeds to Mary’s Refugee Fund. 

ST. MARY’S CHRISTMAS CARDS. Additional sets of the Christmas cards made by Emma, Myka, Lucy, and Eli included in our Advent “Spiritual Care Package” may also be purchased from the office at cost of $5.00 in support of the St. Mary’s Refugee Fund.

THE VISIT OF BLESSED NICHOLAS, Bishop of Myra, and Confessor of the orthodox  Christian Faith, (a.k.a Len), to the children of St. Mary’s took place last Sunday afternoon with the telling of stories, the sharing of treats as well as the Holy Gospel, prayer and the taking up a collection for our Advent outreach collection for our Advent outreach for the Marion Centre.

A Word from the Wardens

Hello St. Mary’s Family,

Normally at this time of year, the Vestry launches our annual stewardship campaign, in order to allow parishioners to make their pledges for the coming year.  Because of the closure of churches this month, we have decided to extend this process into January.  We all have plenty to think about already!

At the same time, I imagine you have been wondering how St. Mary’s has fared during this strange year we’ve had.  I’m pleased to be able to say the answer to that question is, “Not too bad, actually.”

As of November 30, your giving through pledges and envelopes is at $116,878.75 on a budget for the year of $142,965.00, or 82% roughly.  We give God the glory for this, because though for most of that time you have been the Body of Christ from and in your homes, you have not neglected the church.  Thank you!  Along with unspecified donations and the continued rental income from our two remaining renters, our total income for January to November 2020 is $163,904.65.

Also as of November 30, our total expenses have been $164,005.79, on a budget for the year of $220,044.00, or 74% roughly.  Our expenses for the year are largely reduced because of staff lay-offs during the spring and summer.

The upshot of these numbers is that it looks like, as of November 30, we are on track to finish 2020 with a mostly balanced budget.  Again, glory to God, and thanks to you!

I will finish by reminding you that if you wish to make a last 2020 donation, cheques or e-transfers need to be received in the church office by December 31.  If you wish to make a Christmas offering using your yellow envelope or by e-transfer, this money will be going to Rev. Claude, as usual.

As St. Paul told the Corinthian church: “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God.” (2 Cor. 9:11-12)

Blessings to you in this Advent Season,

Beth and Janice, Wardens