June 12, 2022
LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.
“Thank you from Dante’s family! Our hearts are overflowing and we cannot adequately express how much last Sunday meant to our family. Thank you for the kind words, the cards, the flowers, the dandelion crown for Aelyn, the cake (I ate too much), the cupcakes, the books for Dante, the presentation of the robe, the passing of the torch, and for supporting us during this miraculous time. Your welcoming spirit has touched the lives of our extended family as well, and that has encouraged us tremendously.
All Blessings from Terrance, Kelsi, Lucian, Aelyn, and the newly baptized Dante to our St Mary’s family.”

Celebration and Blessing of Holy Matrimony for Allison and Adam will take place at St. Mary’s on Saturday, June 18th at 11.00 a.m. Everyone is warmly invited!
Announcements from Bishop Helen
Within the synod office and around the Diocese there are a few staffing changes that I would like you all to know about.
You will know that Shelley has retired effective 30th April. We are very thankful for the time and expertise that she brought to the job.
We hired Florence as our new Finance Manager bringing all the financial needs back ‘in-house’. Unfortunately, Florence was unable to continue with us due to unforeseen personal circumstances.
Trying again, we have now hired Lucy as our Finance Manager, she begins her time with the Diocese on 13th June, please offer her every welcome and grace as she plunges into the deep end of the finances of our Diocese.
Ven. Cheryl Toth will retire from her position as Stewardship Officer on July 31, with her last day in the office being July 7. This position was a term position supported by Living the Mission funds and other trust funding. The good work that Cheryl has begun will continue through the voluntary efforts of the Stewardship Committee. We are grateful to have had Archdeacon Cheryl in this ministerial position.
Kate has joined the Diocesan staff as the part-time Diocesan Co-Ordinator, Kate has recently completed a certificate program in Non-Profit Sector Leadership and Innovations. She brings with her good and relevant experience and education that will support the Diocese. Her first few tasks are to assist in organizing our Diocesan Synod in October, and project manage other initiatives com- ing out of the synod office.
Immanuel Parish – For Immanuel they really are in transition, the parish ministerial team had been given a mandate by Bishop Rob to help the 5 parishes come together. They are coming very close to the completion of that mandate and the winds of change are blowing. Their Memorandum of Understanding ends on 30th June 2022. So, the Rev Dr John Stonesifer is going to join them and do some Intentional Interim Ministry work for a 6-month period. He is an instructor with the Interim Ministry Network in North America and will help the parish take a next step in their journey. He is from Washington DC and brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and expertise to the short-term position.
Rev Michael Bruce begins a new half-time ministry with Plain and Valley and half time Diocesan Youth and Family ministry.
Rev Winna Martin leads a 6-month pilot project to promote and re-engage spiritual care in all sen- ior’s homes in and around the city.
Rev Alex Campbell starts a new and exciting Urban Indigenous Ministry in the rectory of the former St Matthew’s on Winnipeg Street, beginning in September.
Please extend your blessings and prayers for all of them as they embark on new ministry ventures.
Morning Prayer
- Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am
- Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Evening Prayer
- Wednesday at 5:30 pm.