October 30, 2022
LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.
Parish Life Notes
LAY WITNESS TALK for St. Mary’s Unstewardship Campaign will be given today by Lorna.
FINGER FOOD LUNCH follows the service today provided for us by Shelley.
PRAYER SHAWL MINSTRY at St. Mary’s seeks to bless and comfort those in need with shawls knitted with prayer. Today we bless the most recent batch of shawls, those who have knitted them and those who will receive them!
ALLHALLOWTIDE. The Octave ( 8 days) of Allhallowtide runs from sundown on Oct. 31 to November 7 and is the season in which we remember the dead, including martyrs, saints, and all faithful departed Christians. We remember them but also celebrate our ongoing communion with them as members of the mystical Body of Christ our Lord. In addition to the services of Morning Prayer this week, please note the following:
- All Saints Day, Tuesday, November 1: 5.30 p.m. Holy Communion.
- All Souls Day, Wednesday, November 2: 5.30 p.m. Holy Communion with commemoration of the faithful departed followed by light supper. Please pass on the names of family members you wish to have remembered to Canon Claude.
ST. NICHOLAS (NOT SANTA CLAUSE) IS COMING TO TOWN! Planning is underway for St. Nicholas Day Celebration on December 3. Our vision is to expand on our past efforts with a view to inviting and including the community to come to St. Mary’s. The program will include outdoor bonfire, and food grill, musical entertainment, Christmas market, church tours, visit from St. Nicholas and Family Vespers. Our theme is: Growing in Love: for God, for the Church, for Children, and for the Poor.”

ST. MARY’S DINNER THEATRE! Join us on Wednesday, November 30th, for Evening Prayer at 5.30 p.m., Pot Luck Supper at 6.00 p.m., and Regina Little Theatre’s of C.S. Lewis classic work, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.” at 7.30 p.m. Please speak to Angèle following the service about tickets.
REFUGEE SPONSORSHIP UPDATE. Due to public health concerns in Uganda, from where the refugee family will depart, the schedule and flight have been revised because refugee family will need to complete 21 days for monitoring before they leave Uganda. The Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will inform us about the new date of arrival to Regina.
Morning Prayer
- Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:30 am.
- Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Holy Communion
- Tuesday at 5.30 p.m
- Wednesday at 5.30 p.m.