January 22, 2023
LIVE AUDIO STREAMING during today’s service is available on the Order of Service page. Recorded audio will be added following worship.
Parish Life Notes
OUR RECTOR is in B.C. this week visiting family, and will return on Friday. Our officiant today is Nathaniel, and our preacher is Henry.
ST. MARY’S VESTRY will meet next Sunday in the lounge following the service. Lunch will be provided.
MINISTRY REPORTS for inclusion in the annual reports should be submitted to the office by January 31
ST. MARY’S PRAYER CHAIN has for many years served our parish, whereby prayers for sickness or other life events are passed on through a chain asking God for healing. No matter how small our faith seems to be, God will meet the needs and solve problems that appear almost impossible in our lives. To send a prayer request contact Ann either by email or phone.
REFUGEE FAMILY UPDATE.The refugee family have safely arrived in Regina Wednesday January 18, 2023. St. Mary member Elizabeth met her brother Mapiou and sister-in-law Ahol and hugged them with great tears of joy because they have not met for almost eleven years. It was a wonderful family reunion. The children of Elizabeth, who were born in Canada, came to the airport to meet their uncle for the first time with great joy and excitement. The family dream to live together was fulfilled.

Thanks to all the members who have contributed their time and money to make this family reunion dream come true for Elizabeth and Mapiou and their families. Special gratitude to the members who furnished and set up the house, provided transportation from the airport to home, put up of the curtains, and provided assistance with food preparation for the first day: Dave and Janice, John, Kate, John and Roberta, Elizabeth, and Rev. Nathaniel.
The refugee family will come to church on Sunday January 22, 2023. There will be a brief introduction of the new family during the announcement and a brief greet-and-meet time after service on Sunday.
2023 Pledge forms have been mailed out. To assist the Vestry in budgeting for the next year, you are asked to please fill out the form and return it to the church office or by placing it in the collection plate. Alternatively, you may submit your pledge immediately on our website.
2023 Envelopes. Boxes of weekly and monthly donation envelopes are now available for pick up on the table on the landing. If you don’t see your name on a box and would like to become a receive church envelopes, please tell Blair and he will make the appropriate arrangements. Giving via direct debit is also available. (See instructions here.)
Worship This Week
Morning Prayer
- Tuesday at 8:30 am
- Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Evening Prayer
- Wednesday at 5:30 pm. followed by potluck supper in the Upper Hall.